Gifts for Boyfriend

Our theme here is ‘out with the old, in with the new’, so finding him a gift should be easy-peasy. He probably thinks he is cooler than he is, so, even though you’ve put down your Barbie a long time ago, here’s your chance to dress him up. One word of warning, he’ll want to show off what you gave him to his mates down the pub. So your reputation is on the line too.

  1. Face kit Depending on your preference, go for a fancy shaving kit or a neat beard trimmer. You will get the hunk you’ve always wanted.
  2. Bike If he’s cycling to and from work or just for fun, a new aerodynamic machine will go down a dream. If you get confused by all the models, just get him a helmet!
  3. GPS watch This is one way of making sure he finds his way home after a late night. Or simply get him back on time for once after a good long run. Look for fitness trackers instead if you’re on a budget.
  4. Sunglasses Go with aviators, sporty, or designer glasses and Tom Cruise will eat his heart out! Get him ready for that holiday he doesn’t know you have booked.
  5. Watch Techno nerd or macho military – the choice is yours because you know him best. Nothing is quite like a man with a sexy watch!
  6. Cardigan Add some designer threads to his style with a cool cardie which clearly says he’s taken.
  7. Belt Where’s my belt, love? A man can’t be too short of designer leather belts.
  8. Football t-shirt Make sure you choose the t-shirt of the right team!
  9. Poker set/table Giving him a reason to have all his mates around may not sound like a good idea. But just think of all the nights off you will get and the extra reason to have all your girls around.
  10. Suit Bring out the handsome in him with a classic cut tailored suit. He’ll look perfect for the wedding you are going to attend.
  11. Desk photo Get closer to him at work with the perfect desk photo. If he’s too manly for that, jazz it up with some fancy filters for the Warhol look.
  12. DVD boxset Upgrade his collection or tempt him with something new.
  13. Cinema subscription Getting him out of the house won’t get any easier. Make sure it’s a subscription for two.
  14. Cocktail maker Let him be a barman when your friends come over and enjoy a Singapore Sling or a Tequila Sunrise!
  15. Old wine Bring out the wine connoisseur from him and find out if he knows the difference between a cheap bottle of plank and a 1969 Chateaux.
  16. Retro gift Adidas Samba trainers or a track top will bring the memories flooding back. Puma Kings will have him reach for the bling!
  17. Wifey haircut A cool hair trimmer will give you a reason to run your hands through his hair or to make sure he’s just neat and tidy for Christmas day.
  18. Gym gear He works hard for his guns, but time to ditch the dodgy string vest and Bermuda shorts for something more stylish around the gym.
  19. Master chef If he’s a culinary guy, find him a great tool to get dinner on the table a little sooner and he’ll thank you for it with a plate of food!
  20. Work bag Be it for a laptop, his tools, or just his lunch, nothing says ‘off to work I go’ like a shiny new work bag.
  21. Mini fridge If he has a dedicated man cave, a mini fridge situated at arm’s length will be a welcome addition to lazy day drinking while the match is on.
  22. Footstool Put your feet up, hun! A total gimme after a long day at the yard, and if you are lucky there might be room for you too.
  23. TV projector It’s cheaper than you may think. Let him do all his movie watching on a 102-inch screen. It’s epic and he’ll think the same of you.
  24. Power toolMen love their tools. Give him one he can be proud of.
  25. SmartwatchHe probably knows what time it is. Now he’ll be able to see the grocery list on his wrist. Superpowers indeed