Thanks to her special ability, of course! Princess Arinna . Plus, like I said before, I'm not very good with Tarot cards and what their meanings are, so, I based that part on the information on Sartorius I got from the internet. "WhWho's there?" He might be the key to saving Alexis., Syrus tells Mina, Atticus Rhodes, Alexis' older brother. It just will take a while to get back my energy, that's all., Jaden tells Atem, with a smile, Great to have your help, Atem! Show her the light with White Illuminating Flare! White Light Phoenix attacks, Serena's spell card and two face-down cards are destroyed by White Veil, and Blair's monster destroys Cyber Angel Serenity with a huge blast of white energy covering Serena in smoke. You will need to go up to a young girl with blond hair in two, Atem nods his head and replies, That's correct, Tea. We are supposed to say: `The former nameless Pharaoh of Egypt, Atem, and the great queen of the moon and descendant of Selene, Serenity, inquired you about it and Queen Serenity, by the authority of the Lunarian Kingdom, orders the guardians of the Moon Princess to listen and take heed.' This card cuts my life-points in half, but for this turn, my Phoenix's attack and defense points are doubled! Just then White Light Phoenix's stats increase from 3000/2000 to 6000/4000 as Blair's life-points are cut in half. I fear that girl is walking into a trap, but I can't help her right now. However, I will find out and when I do, you will finally see the light. Just then a male voice calls out, Your mother means us, your majesty. Princess Serenity and Queen Serenity look to the source of the voice to see another set of Neo-Spacian monsters exactly like Jaden has. Venus, blast that overgrown doll with Love and Beauty Shock! Elemental Hero Star Venus then performs Super Sailor Venus' special attack through her energy hearts were sparkling ruby red in color. Serena let out a startled whimper. Jaden asks Tyranno, How did the duel go Hassleberry?, Tyranno smiles and tells Jaden, Well, Sarge . While I am gone it is your duty as Prince Endymion to guard these crystals with your life as well as become the leader of my court.] Close your eyes and pray with your souls for Atem's return!, Yugi nods his head and asks his three friends, All right! I was hoping that she would forget that defeat that I handed her., Tyranno, however, straps on a duel disk, inserts his dueling deck inside, and tells him, Don't worry, soldier. Serena sat down on the damp floor. His deck along with Jaden's was among the only ones that weren't affected by the evil of the Sacred Beasts and Yugi was very nervous when he heard about the Shadow Riders and the return of the Shadow Games after ten years. Jaden says, in disbelief, Oh no! Four gasps was heard as Tuxedo Mask de transformed into Darien Shields. and you, Princess Serenity, hold that soul. Jedite stopped in mid attack when he felt the explosive change in Tuxedo Mask's energy. Plus, the gang sees that she is a level seven monster with stats of 2400/1800! They live within a `spirit world or worlds' that's slightly out of phase with our world, but they can easily cross over from their world to ours. When they ask you, probably a bit defensively about it, tell them that `The former nameless Pharaoh of Egypt, Atem, and the great queen of the moon and descendant of Selene, Serenity, inquired you about it and Queen Serenity, by the authority of the Lunarian Kingdom, orders the guardians of the Moon Princess to listen and take heed.' I wish that he was here. "Oh yes we know you're Sailor Moon. Atticus is staying within his room inside of the `White Dorm' and avoiding any duels with `White Students' at all costs., Jaden tells the two girls, Well, it is for the best that you get him out of there. This card allows me to dismiss one soldier from my frontline and regain life-points to that monster's attack points. Just then a male voice, sounding similar to Jaden Yuki's, but deeper and more commanding, calls out, Hey, Serenity, what are you doing? Princess Serenity looks to see a young man of her age with platinum silver hair in Jaden usual hairstyle, golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, deep brown eyes, and wearing a black version of Prince Endymon's royal `outfit' with a silver version of Prince Endymon's body armor on him with a brown belt across his waist, silver buckle on the belt that has the crescent moon sigil imprinted in the middle of the belt buckle, and the belt is hold a sheath for a sword that has a beautiful silver hilt. Blair tells Serena, He has become the unfortunate victim of my Maiden's song. Now, that's what I call a monster!, Lita tells Tyranno, also amazed about Elemental Hero Celestial Neos, You can say that again., Jaden exclaims, excitedly, Awesome! Just another day in our lives.. Now, both of us must draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands! Both duelists then draw until they have six cards in their hands and Serena then calls out, Next, I reveal my other spell card! `Dueled enemy and got crushed by my dinos the same'!, Bastion nods his head and tells Tyranno, with a smile, Nice work, Hassleberry., Tyranno replies, with a smile, No problem, private., Sailor Pluto tells Serena, Okay, my princess, it is time.. The unsuspecting teen walked on gloomily, unaware of the danger, until it was too late. Jaden has this power and that's why I need him to see the light. Sartorius then holds the Tarot card, The Reaper of Souls, upright in front of him and says, But it seems that Sailor Moon also holds the same power, the power to defy destiny. I have erased their memories of me.] "Not a chance cape boy my master wants Sailor Moon now. Your Duel Monsters' decks are now filled with the power of Life like Jaden's deck. Soon, the whole school will be on his side., Mindy exclaims, worriedly, Oh no! Just then the two of them hear rustling in the bushes and Mindy asks, fearfully, What was that?. I have to say that those are impressive and you have incredible talent. Mina's male opponent says, in disbelief, This can't be! Dark Magician's stats increase again from 4100/3700 to 5600/5200! I believe that a Cyber Angel is about to appear., Serena takes one card from her deck, adds it to her hand, and says, Thanks to her special ability, I can put my Machine Angel Ritual into my hand. Serena then puts the card that she mentioned into the spell/trap slots and shouts, Next, I play my Machine Angel Ritual and sacrifice my two Cupid Tokens and my Cyber Petite Angel to summon this! The three monsters vanish from the field in bright lights as Serena puts another card on her duel disk and she calls out, Now, I call my Cyber Angel Serenity to the field!. In the torture chamber Jedite stood looking at the mangled, bloodied, lifeless body. It must be Tuxedo Mask coming back for her with the crystal. Missy then says, Now, I sacrifice one of my Army Ant Tokens to allow my Queen to attack! Soon after, one of the Army Ant Tokens vanish from the field, lowering Insect Queen's stats down to 2800/2400, and Insect Queen fires a blast from her mouth, destroying Black Tyranno, taking 200 of Tyranno's life-points with it. The fool had been out again. Males and females serve equally in our `Armed Services' and discrimination in our military is none existence with the females becoming just as fierce and powerful warriors as their male counterparts. The legendary King of Games is coming here! That duelist was Jaden Yuki and Yugi knew that he was the duelist that could be his successor. And that girl looks to be fifteen years old!, Ami tells Bastion, Remember when you last saw Hotaru? You are a real doll! We find Jaden has his Shadow Charm that he used to protect himself and his friends from the Shadow Powers of the Shadow Riders during the battles for the three Sacred Beast cards. Tuxedo Mask ran over to Serena and tried to free her. The other girls and I are going to get `acquainted' with where they are all staying and figure where to go from there.. They already are starting to brainwash the member of the Ra Yellow dorm. But first, he gains 500 attack points from my Field Spell card, Neo-Space, since Celestial Neos was created from Elemental Hero Neos. Elemental Hero Celestial Neos' stats increase from 2500/2000 to 3000/2000!, Blair says, in a serious tone, He's still weaker than my monster!. She felt the hot blood trickle down her back from the wound. Rei tells Mina, seeing what Mina did, Mina, can't you cut out trying to get every cut boy that you see?, Mina tells Rei, with a wide grin, Can't blame a girl for trying? My deck has changed over the years and even through it is mainly the same, it is even stronger than before!, Atem nods his head and replies, with a smile, I can be sure of that, Joey. Forward march! Black Tyranno stomps towards Insect Princess and one swipe of its tail, it is destroyed without much trouble. To answer your question: You did have a sibling. Azaka opened a portal to the dark realm. Yugi looks at Serena and her friends and asks, I see that you have made a lot of friends, here, in Duel Academy. Jaden then introduces all of his friends to Yugi and his friends. Sailor Mercury nodded mutely. Tyranno then says, Ha! Now, all I've got to do is give up only 1000 points and my Dark Magician can attack all of your monsters! Mina's life-points lower by one-thousand, Dark Magician's staff lights up with a bright light, and Mina calls out, Okay, Dark Magician, blow his monsters away with Dark Magic Attack! Dark Magician sends waves of energy from his staff, destroying Mina's opponent's two monsters, and costing him 6600 life-points, ending the duel immediately. So, my friends and I came to Duel Academy to investigate and possibly stop this Sartorius, but based on what we learned, this might not be possible without some help. Once, during my turn, I can take one monster card from my graveyard and equip it, like an Equip spell card, to it. Why did that girl . Sailor Mercury nods her head and says, Yes, that's a good idea. Yugi Moto, may I ask you a question?, Yugi tells Bastion in reply, Yes, of course., Bastion tells Yugi, What is the real reason that you cam to Duel Academy? The figure went over to Serena and forced her up and out of the cell. With them is Tristan Taylor, one of Yugi's friend, through not an excellent duelist, is one of the best martial arts in the world and plenty of dueling expertise. . Now, I ditch my two Princess Token . Within the `White Dorm', we find Alexis and Chazz making their way to main hallway of the male quarters of the Obelisk Blue dorm to find Sartorius waiting for the two of them. Scanner Serena is possessed by an evil energy and Tuxedo Mask's energy is merging with Sailor Moon's!" A Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, a Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab, a Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, a Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, a Neo-Spacian Groun Mole, Neo-Spacian Glow Moss, and a new Spacian that hasn't been seen before. Out in the open seas some distance from Duel Academy, we find a huge cruise ship heading in the direction towards Duel Academy Island and when we board that cruise ship, we find Yugi Moto himself looking out into the sea and has a look of wonder in his eyes. Another brainwashed member of Sartorius' group., Syrus says, beginning to recognize Blair, Hey, that girl looks familiar to me., Jaden nods his head in agreement and says, Yeah, she does., Blair then says, in a cold tone and sly grin, Don't you recognize me, Jaden-sempai? Me, too! I'm Mina Aino!. For some reason, Sartorius feels that Jaden is one of the `keys' to starting his destruction of the world and the universe. Blair was quite surprised that Serena was none other than her female idol, Sailor Moon. Tea sniffs to clear her nose and wipe her tears from her eyes as Yugi smiles at this. One of my most popular shorts and an excuse to make Darien get on his knees. evil smile Sailor Moon - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,304 - Reviews: 119 - Favs: 401 - Follows: 53 - Published: 9/5/2004 - Mamoru C . Giving me two more cards from my deck! Missy draws two more cards from her deck, puts another card in the spell/trap slots, and exclaims, Next, I play my Monster Reincarnation! All alone Serena, a 14. year old high school girl, slowly walked home. They are so cute!, Blair tells Serena, Like I care! Mina tells her opponent with a wide grin, Oh, really?, Her male opponent then says, worriedly since he knew what was coming next, Oh, boy., Mina calls out, Now, I use another trap! She strained her eyes to try to see any part of the mass as to indicate who or what it might be. . She is trying to mimic the same blazer that he wears at Duel Academy. Sartorius tells his driver, Find the nearest parking space and park as quickly as you can.. You see, he seeks to destroy all darkness in the universe and in the universe, there is balance. . If that knowledge gets out to the enemy, that knowledge could lead to your brother's destruction., Princess Serenity tells Queen Serenity, I understand, mother. He brought me to his car to discuss it and Sartorius told me that if I dueled someone from Duel Academy that he would use his influence to get me in even through I wasn't old enough yet. . The setting sun cast an eerie redness in the sky. You are facing an evil power that hides under illusion of good since this evil uses the power of light., Tea asks Atem, Light? Returning to the `White Dorm', we find Chazz and Alexis in front of Sartorius, who has his back towards them, sitting down in front of his white table, and shuffling his Tarot cards. If you have a good Serena and Darien fanfic send me a PM. Mindy asks Jasmine, a bit worriedly and sarcastically, Is that the wind?. Sailor Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter arrived just to see the portal close. She then separated Serena's spirit from hers. My name is Aqueous. So, I only lost three hundred and sixty life-points instead of thirty-six hundred., Jaden tells Serena, excitedly, Good move, Serena!, Darien tells Serena, happily, Good job, Sere'!, Bastion says, with a smile, I've got to say that she is good. . I should know! Tyranno puts one card into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and states, Now, I place one card on the field and it's your move!. Only you can weld the same powers as Jaden can and aid him in his mission to stop the destruction of the universe. Serena calls out, However, that isn't my plan! If that's Blair, she should only be ten years old at the most! the blue haired scout answered. , Princess Serenity asks, Why did you wish to meet with me?, Ishtar replies, in a plain tone, We are here to give you the power of Neo-Spacian along with the Chosen Duelist, Jaden Yuki. If you really wish for Atem to return, then believe in all of your heart and souls and the Silver Crystal and the Shadow Charm will grant that wish., Yugi tells Sailor Pluto, We understand., Sailor Venus asks Sailor Pluto, Are you sure that we will have enough power without Saturn?, Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Venus in reply, Without Sailor Saturn and her powers of darkness balancing out our powers of light, we will not be at full strength, but we will have enough power for this., Sailor Mars asks, in her usual tone, Okay, ready to get this over with?. It was a torture chamber. Have you heard of Aster Phoenix?, Blair gasps in shock and exclaims, Oh, yes! Serena and Darien Fanfiction Here are my works on Serena and Darien, everyone's favorite couple. . I must say that I saw plenty of `events' and `things' that can't be explained by logical thinking, which include your Neo-Spacian monsters, Jaden., Joey says, plainly, Well, I just can't wait to see good `old' Atem, again! Through I would believe that it is impossible to bring the dead back to life . Besides this young man is a real-life version of Jaden Yuki's favorite monster: Elemental Hero Flame Wingman. Serena puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and states, Now, I place two cards face-down and end my turn!. This girl, Serena Tsukino, represents The Moon card and is the new fourth piece that I need for my plan to make the world see the light come to fruition. I would also like to inquire about an item within Ms. Tsukino possession. Since Jaden Yuki fills both criteria, only he can use the Shadow Charm for this ritual.

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Thanks to her special ability, of course! Princess Arinna . Plus, like I said before, I'm not very good with Tarot cards and what their meanings are, so, I based that part on the information on Sartorius I got from the internet. "WhWho's there?" He might be the key to saving Alexis., Syrus tells Mina, Atticus Rhodes, Alexis' older brother. It just will take a while to get back my energy, that's all., Jaden tells Atem, with a smile, Great to have your help, Atem! Show her the light with White Illuminating Flare! White Light Phoenix attacks, Serena's spell card and two face-down cards are destroyed by White Veil, and Blair's monster destroys Cyber Angel Serenity with a huge blast of white energy covering Serena in smoke. You will need to go up to a young girl with blond hair in two, Atem nods his head and replies, That's correct, Tea. We are supposed to say: `The former nameless Pharaoh of Egypt, Atem, and the great queen of the moon and descendant of Selene, Serenity, inquired you about it and Queen Serenity, by the authority of the Lunarian Kingdom, orders the guardians of the Moon Princess to listen and take heed.' This card cuts my life-points in half, but for this turn, my Phoenix's attack and defense points are doubled! Just then White Light Phoenix's stats increase from 3000/2000 to 6000/4000 as Blair's life-points are cut in half. I fear that girl is walking into a trap, but I can't help her right now. However, I will find out and when I do, you will finally see the light. Just then a male voice calls out, Your mother means us, your majesty. Princess Serenity and Queen Serenity look to the source of the voice to see another set of Neo-Spacian monsters exactly like Jaden has. Venus, blast that overgrown doll with Love and Beauty Shock! Elemental Hero Star Venus then performs Super Sailor Venus' special attack through her energy hearts were sparkling ruby red in color. Serena let out a startled whimper. Jaden asks Tyranno, How did the duel go Hassleberry?, Tyranno smiles and tells Jaden, Well, Sarge . While I am gone it is your duty as Prince Endymion to guard these crystals with your life as well as become the leader of my court.] Close your eyes and pray with your souls for Atem's return!, Yugi nods his head and asks his three friends, All right! I was hoping that she would forget that defeat that I handed her., Tyranno, however, straps on a duel disk, inserts his dueling deck inside, and tells him, Don't worry, soldier. Serena sat down on the damp floor. His deck along with Jaden's was among the only ones that weren't affected by the evil of the Sacred Beasts and Yugi was very nervous when he heard about the Shadow Riders and the return of the Shadow Games after ten years. Jaden says, in disbelief, Oh no! Four gasps was heard as Tuxedo Mask de transformed into Darien Shields. and you, Princess Serenity, hold that soul. Jedite stopped in mid attack when he felt the explosive change in Tuxedo Mask's energy. Plus, the gang sees that she is a level seven monster with stats of 2400/1800! They live within a `spirit world or worlds' that's slightly out of phase with our world, but they can easily cross over from their world to ours. When they ask you, probably a bit defensively about it, tell them that `The former nameless Pharaoh of Egypt, Atem, and the great queen of the moon and descendant of Selene, Serenity, inquired you about it and Queen Serenity, by the authority of the Lunarian Kingdom, orders the guardians of the Moon Princess to listen and take heed.' I wish that he was here. "Oh yes we know you're Sailor Moon. Atticus is staying within his room inside of the `White Dorm' and avoiding any duels with `White Students' at all costs., Jaden tells the two girls, Well, it is for the best that you get him out of there. This card allows me to dismiss one soldier from my frontline and regain life-points to that monster's attack points. Just then a male voice, sounding similar to Jaden Yuki's, but deeper and more commanding, calls out, Hey, Serenity, what are you doing? Princess Serenity looks to see a young man of her age with platinum silver hair in Jaden usual hairstyle, golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, deep brown eyes, and wearing a black version of Prince Endymon's royal `outfit' with a silver version of Prince Endymon's body armor on him with a brown belt across his waist, silver buckle on the belt that has the crescent moon sigil imprinted in the middle of the belt buckle, and the belt is hold a sheath for a sword that has a beautiful silver hilt. Blair tells Serena, He has become the unfortunate victim of my Maiden's song. Now, that's what I call a monster!, Lita tells Tyranno, also amazed about Elemental Hero Celestial Neos, You can say that again., Jaden exclaims, excitedly, Awesome! Just another day in our lives.. Now, both of us must draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands! Both duelists then draw until they have six cards in their hands and Serena then calls out, Next, I reveal my other spell card! `Dueled enemy and got crushed by my dinos the same'!, Bastion nods his head and tells Tyranno, with a smile, Nice work, Hassleberry., Tyranno replies, with a smile, No problem, private., Sailor Pluto tells Serena, Okay, my princess, it is time.. The unsuspecting teen walked on gloomily, unaware of the danger, until it was too late. Jaden has this power and that's why I need him to see the light. Sartorius then holds the Tarot card, The Reaper of Souls, upright in front of him and says, But it seems that Sailor Moon also holds the same power, the power to defy destiny. I have erased their memories of me.] "Not a chance cape boy my master wants Sailor Moon now. Your Duel Monsters' decks are now filled with the power of Life like Jaden's deck. Soon, the whole school will be on his side., Mindy exclaims, worriedly, Oh no! Just then the two of them hear rustling in the bushes and Mindy asks, fearfully, What was that?. I have to say that those are impressive and you have incredible talent. Mina's male opponent says, in disbelief, This can't be! Dark Magician's stats increase again from 4100/3700 to 5600/5200! I believe that a Cyber Angel is about to appear., Serena takes one card from her deck, adds it to her hand, and says, Thanks to her special ability, I can put my Machine Angel Ritual into my hand. Serena then puts the card that she mentioned into the spell/trap slots and shouts, Next, I play my Machine Angel Ritual and sacrifice my two Cupid Tokens and my Cyber Petite Angel to summon this! The three monsters vanish from the field in bright lights as Serena puts another card on her duel disk and she calls out, Now, I call my Cyber Angel Serenity to the field!. In the torture chamber Jedite stood looking at the mangled, bloodied, lifeless body. It must be Tuxedo Mask coming back for her with the crystal. Missy then says, Now, I sacrifice one of my Army Ant Tokens to allow my Queen to attack! Soon after, one of the Army Ant Tokens vanish from the field, lowering Insect Queen's stats down to 2800/2400, and Insect Queen fires a blast from her mouth, destroying Black Tyranno, taking 200 of Tyranno's life-points with it. The fool had been out again. Males and females serve equally in our `Armed Services' and discrimination in our military is none existence with the females becoming just as fierce and powerful warriors as their male counterparts. The legendary King of Games is coming here! That duelist was Jaden Yuki and Yugi knew that he was the duelist that could be his successor. And that girl looks to be fifteen years old!, Ami tells Bastion, Remember when you last saw Hotaru? You are a real doll! We find Jaden has his Shadow Charm that he used to protect himself and his friends from the Shadow Powers of the Shadow Riders during the battles for the three Sacred Beast cards. Tuxedo Mask ran over to Serena and tried to free her. The other girls and I are going to get `acquainted' with where they are all staying and figure where to go from there.. They already are starting to brainwash the member of the Ra Yellow dorm. But first, he gains 500 attack points from my Field Spell card, Neo-Space, since Celestial Neos was created from Elemental Hero Neos. Elemental Hero Celestial Neos' stats increase from 2500/2000 to 3000/2000!, Blair says, in a serious tone, He's still weaker than my monster!. She felt the hot blood trickle down her back from the wound. Rei tells Mina, seeing what Mina did, Mina, can't you cut out trying to get every cut boy that you see?, Mina tells Rei, with a wide grin, Can't blame a girl for trying? My deck has changed over the years and even through it is mainly the same, it is even stronger than before!, Atem nods his head and replies, with a smile, I can be sure of that, Joey. Forward march! Black Tyranno stomps towards Insect Princess and one swipe of its tail, it is destroyed without much trouble. To answer your question: You did have a sibling. Azaka opened a portal to the dark realm. Yugi looks at Serena and her friends and asks, I see that you have made a lot of friends, here, in Duel Academy. Jaden then introduces all of his friends to Yugi and his friends. Sailor Mercury nodded mutely. Tyranno then says, Ha! Now, all I've got to do is give up only 1000 points and my Dark Magician can attack all of your monsters! Mina's life-points lower by one-thousand, Dark Magician's staff lights up with a bright light, and Mina calls out, Okay, Dark Magician, blow his monsters away with Dark Magic Attack! Dark Magician sends waves of energy from his staff, destroying Mina's opponent's two monsters, and costing him 6600 life-points, ending the duel immediately. So, my friends and I came to Duel Academy to investigate and possibly stop this Sartorius, but based on what we learned, this might not be possible without some help. Once, during my turn, I can take one monster card from my graveyard and equip it, like an Equip spell card, to it. Why did that girl . Sailor Mercury nods her head and says, Yes, that's a good idea. Yugi Moto, may I ask you a question?, Yugi tells Bastion in reply, Yes, of course., Bastion tells Yugi, What is the real reason that you cam to Duel Academy? The figure went over to Serena and forced her up and out of the cell. With them is Tristan Taylor, one of Yugi's friend, through not an excellent duelist, is one of the best martial arts in the world and plenty of dueling expertise. . Now, I ditch my two Princess Token . Within the `White Dorm', we find Alexis and Chazz making their way to main hallway of the male quarters of the Obelisk Blue dorm to find Sartorius waiting for the two of them. Scanner Serena is possessed by an evil energy and Tuxedo Mask's energy is merging with Sailor Moon's!" A Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, a Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab, a Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, a Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, a Neo-Spacian Groun Mole, Neo-Spacian Glow Moss, and a new Spacian that hasn't been seen before. Out in the open seas some distance from Duel Academy, we find a huge cruise ship heading in the direction towards Duel Academy Island and when we board that cruise ship, we find Yugi Moto himself looking out into the sea and has a look of wonder in his eyes. Another brainwashed member of Sartorius' group., Syrus says, beginning to recognize Blair, Hey, that girl looks familiar to me., Jaden nods his head in agreement and says, Yeah, she does., Blair then says, in a cold tone and sly grin, Don't you recognize me, Jaden-sempai? Me, too! I'm Mina Aino!. For some reason, Sartorius feels that Jaden is one of the `keys' to starting his destruction of the world and the universe. Blair was quite surprised that Serena was none other than her female idol, Sailor Moon. Tea sniffs to clear her nose and wipe her tears from her eyes as Yugi smiles at this. One of my most popular shorts and an excuse to make Darien get on his knees. evil smile Sailor Moon - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,304 - Reviews: 119 - Favs: 401 - Follows: 53 - Published: 9/5/2004 - Mamoru C . Giving me two more cards from my deck! Missy draws two more cards from her deck, puts another card in the spell/trap slots, and exclaims, Next, I play my Monster Reincarnation! All alone Serena, a 14. year old high school girl, slowly walked home. They are so cute!, Blair tells Serena, Like I care! Mina tells her opponent with a wide grin, Oh, really?, Her male opponent then says, worriedly since he knew what was coming next, Oh, boy., Mina calls out, Now, I use another trap! She strained her eyes to try to see any part of the mass as to indicate who or what it might be. . She is trying to mimic the same blazer that he wears at Duel Academy. Sartorius tells his driver, Find the nearest parking space and park as quickly as you can.. You see, he seeks to destroy all darkness in the universe and in the universe, there is balance. . If that knowledge gets out to the enemy, that knowledge could lead to your brother's destruction., Princess Serenity tells Queen Serenity, I understand, mother. He brought me to his car to discuss it and Sartorius told me that if I dueled someone from Duel Academy that he would use his influence to get me in even through I wasn't old enough yet. . The setting sun cast an eerie redness in the sky. You are facing an evil power that hides under illusion of good since this evil uses the power of light., Tea asks Atem, Light? Returning to the `White Dorm', we find Chazz and Alexis in front of Sartorius, who has his back towards them, sitting down in front of his white table, and shuffling his Tarot cards. If you have a good Serena and Darien fanfic send me a PM. Mindy asks Jasmine, a bit worriedly and sarcastically, Is that the wind?. Sailor Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter arrived just to see the portal close. She then separated Serena's spirit from hers. My name is Aqueous. So, I only lost three hundred and sixty life-points instead of thirty-six hundred., Jaden tells Serena, excitedly, Good move, Serena!, Darien tells Serena, happily, Good job, Sere'!, Bastion says, with a smile, I've got to say that she is good. . I should know! Tyranno puts one card into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and states, Now, I place one card on the field and it's your move!. Only you can weld the same powers as Jaden can and aid him in his mission to stop the destruction of the universe. Serena calls out, However, that isn't my plan! If that's Blair, she should only be ten years old at the most! the blue haired scout answered. , Princess Serenity asks, Why did you wish to meet with me?, Ishtar replies, in a plain tone, We are here to give you the power of Neo-Spacian along with the Chosen Duelist, Jaden Yuki. If you really wish for Atem to return, then believe in all of your heart and souls and the Silver Crystal and the Shadow Charm will grant that wish., Yugi tells Sailor Pluto, We understand., Sailor Venus asks Sailor Pluto, Are you sure that we will have enough power without Saturn?, Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Venus in reply, Without Sailor Saturn and her powers of darkness balancing out our powers of light, we will not be at full strength, but we will have enough power for this., Sailor Mars asks, in her usual tone, Okay, ready to get this over with?. It was a torture chamber. Have you heard of Aster Phoenix?, Blair gasps in shock and exclaims, Oh, yes! Serena and Darien Fanfiction Here are my works on Serena and Darien, everyone's favorite couple. . I must say that I saw plenty of `events' and `things' that can't be explained by logical thinking, which include your Neo-Spacian monsters, Jaden., Joey says, plainly, Well, I just can't wait to see good `old' Atem, again! Through I would believe that it is impossible to bring the dead back to life . Besides this young man is a real-life version of Jaden Yuki's favorite monster: Elemental Hero Flame Wingman. Serena puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and states, Now, I place two cards face-down and end my turn!. This girl, Serena Tsukino, represents The Moon card and is the new fourth piece that I need for my plan to make the world see the light come to fruition. I would also like to inquire about an item within Ms. Tsukino possession. Since Jaden Yuki fills both criteria, only he can use the Shadow Charm for this ritual. What Planting Zone Is Beaverton Oregon, Carjacking In Chicago Yesterday, Articles S

Mother's Day

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Its Mother’s Day and it’s time for you to return all the love you that mother has showered you with all your life, really what would you do without mum?